Byron Brooks is the co-founder of Brookwright Inc, a custom home building company focused on delivering on every cliche you can think of that would normally show up in a construction bio! Integrity, craftsmanship, quality, luxury (ewww)... all that stuff! Where Brookwright has found success is through delivering on the industry expectations while also prioritizing the relationships that are formed along the way. To that end, Byron helped start a group called Builders and Brews. Inspired by the collaboration in the craft beer industry to get together in the construction and design world and be "better together"!
When he's not driving around doing builder things, Byron can be found running around in the hills around Calgary or spending time with his young family!
IG: @brookwright_construction
IG: @buildersandbrewsyyc
Brighton Projects: IG: @brightonprojectsyyc
Byron Brooks: IG: @Byron__Brooks